Untitled (landscapes), 2020 - ongoing
This untitled series of landscapes attempts to deconstruct the very idea of landscape by multiplying the observers and intermingling their representations to the point of abstraction. All the available views of a place chosen on the internet are averaged by computer to obtain only one, containing them all. The result retains only the general atmosphere of a place, its visual essence as we collectively imagine it. The diversity of perspectives gives way to a simple notion of ground and sky, a blurred composition, a palette of colours.
Castagniccia, 2023
Ink and varnish on canvas mounted on panel, NFC chip
15,7 x 15,2 cm
Yosemite, 2022
Varnished pigment ink on canvas, oakwood and single-component polyurethane foam
38 x 38 x 9 cm
Socotra, 2023
Ink and varnish on canvas mounted on aluminum, NFC chip
30 x 24 cm
English countryside, 2022
Varnished pigment ink on canvas, oakwood and single-component polyurethane foam
35 x 32 x 8 cm
Vallée de Joux, 2022
Varnished pigment ink on canvas, oakwood and single-component polyurethane foam
34 x 30 x 7 cm